Ram Setu earns Rs 40 cr in four days By Rajesh Ahuja Riding on a rocking start at the box office, Ram Setu earned Rs 40 cr in its first four days in India. After a good business of Rs 15 cr on its opening day, the Akshay Kumar Jacqueline Fernandez Nushratt Bhharruccha starrer saw a dip in its business in the subsequent days. The film, which has been directed by Abhishek Sharma, saw a drop in its earnings to Rs 11 cr on Its second day on Wednesday, Rs 6 cr on Thursday and Rs 6 cr on Friday. Ram Setu earns Rs 40 cr in first four days It's business in its first four days is Rs 40 cr. Trade sources say that the religious drama is expected to witness a jump in its collections on Saturday and Sunday. Ram Setu is the story of archeologist Aryan, who who is investigating the nature of Ram Setu, also known as Adam's Bridge. As he sets out to prove that the historical Ram Setu is not a man made creation, Aryan stumbles upon evidence...