Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan earns Rs 85.6 cr in opening week Salman Khan starrer witnesses drop in collections on week days By Rajesh Ahuja Riding on the strong craze around the film, the presence of superstar Salman Khan and its action stunts, the Farhad Samji directed Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan earned Rs 85.6 cr in its opening week in India. Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan , which released on the occasion of Eid on April 21, did above average business in its opening weekend at Rs 62.25 cr. Trade experts said that the collections of the film were boosted by the fact that its is an Eid release. The film did excellent business at the single screen theatres across the country. Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan , which stars Salman Khan in the lead opposite Pooja Hegde, however, witnessed a drop in its collections on week days. While the earnings of the film dropped to Rs 9.5 cr on Monday, they dropped further in subsequent days. It has earned Rs 85.6...